Redirect Plugins

WordPress "Redirect" Plugins Compared

... solution for Redirect Plugin

Redirection is the most popular redirect manager for WordPress. You can easily manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and fix loose ends. This can help reduce errors and improve your site ranking. Redirection is designed to be used on any size site, from a few redirects to thousands of redirects. It has been a WordPress plugin for over 10 years and has been recommended many times. And it’s free!

Create and manage redirects quickly and easily without needing Apache or Nginx knowledge. If your WordPress supports permalinks then you can use Redirection to redirect any URL. Regular expressions are supported and you can create redirect patterns to match any number of URLs. Posts and pages can be monitored for permalink changes, and redirections automatically created.

... solution for Redirect Plugin

Dealing with 404 errors has always been a top priority for SEOs. There are many plugins to manage, analyze & redirect these errors in WordPress. However, hardly any offer to manage them automatically and intelligently. A few years ago, the excellent Permalink Finder offered a similar solution: using the URL entered by the visitor to determine a similar redirect page.

Permalink Finder is now deprecated and obsolete for more than three years. That’s why I decided to publish my own plugin, which is based on this simple but terribly effective idea: Handle any 404 error and redirect it to similar content. Thus was born WP 404 Auto redirect to Similar Post..

... solution for Redirect Plugin

Easily and safely manage your site’s redirects the WordPress way. There are many redirect plugins available. Most of them store redirects in the options table or in custom tables. Most of them provide tons of unnecessary options. Some of them have serious performance implications (404 error logging).

The plugin comes with only what you need following the WordPress mantra, decisions not options. Actions and filters make the plugin very extensible.


... of best "Redirect" Plugins for WordPress

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