SEO Plugins

WordPress "SEO" Plugins Compared

... solution for SEO Plugin

Optimize quickly and easily the SEO of your WordPress site. All the features you need in one plugin: breadcrumbs, redirections, schemas, sitemaps, broken link checker… SEOPress integrates seamlessly with popular page builders, e-commerce, translation, performance and analytics tools.

  • Titles & metas – Manage your titles, meta description, meta robots (noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet…) for every post, page, custom post type, archive page…
  • Give a sitemap to Google – Improve Search Engines crawling by providing XML sitemaps of your posts, pages, custom post types, terms taxonomy but also videos, images and news.

... solution for SEO Plugin

In Yoast SEO you can enter the keyword or keyphrase you’d like your post or page to rank for in the search results. We then run a check on your content to check whether you’re using the keywords often enough – but not too often – and in the right spots. In Yoast SEO Premium, we take this one major step further. We will not only check for the keyword or keyphrase you enter, but we will analyze your text on all variations of that word or phrase.

  • Optimize for related keywords as well
  • Internal linking suggestions
  • Internal linking blocks
  • Tell Google exactly what your page is about
  • Preview of your page in Google
  • Preview of your page in social media
  • No duplicate content: avoid confusing Google
  • Working in every WordPress editor

... solution for SEO Plugin

Rank Math helps you get ranked higher by making your website. SEO-friendly and your content worthy of featured Position. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level.

Rank Math practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly. Rank Math is designed to present the right information to you at the right time. The simple, but powerful user-interface highlights important information about your posts alongside the post itself. Using this information, you can improve your post’s SEO instantaneously.


... of best "SEO" Plugins for WordPress

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